(Audio)Book I Read: Impact by Douglas Preston

This week I had to drive from Nashville Tennessee to Jacksonville Florida and back in 3 days.  20 hours in the car.  That is a very long time.

To pass the time I listened to the BBC Audiobook version of "Impact " by Douglas Preston.

This book is hard to categorize.  The plotline is like the love child of a science fiction novel and a spy/action novel.  The best comparison I could make is that it's like the Jack du Brul/Phillip Mercer books without the immortal hypermasculine testosterone exudate action hero protagonist.  I enjoyed the book a great deal.  If you like the Mercer Books, then give it a try.  On the science side, most of the science bits were plausible.  It didn't get in the way of the story at all.  It also pointed me down the path of learning about strangelets.  That's a bonus.

Minor point of annoyance with the AudioBook format.  There is no end-of-CD designation.  You're driving around listening and then the CD starts over.  Minor irritation, not bad.

Verdict: I will look for more from this Author.  Would read again. -Ellie
